Adept's Dual Swords
Item Power: 900
Dash to the targeted enemy, dealing [dmg]{0} physical damage[/dmg]. Applies [other]one Heroic Charge[/other] on you. Each [other]Heroic Charge[/other] increases your [buff]Move Speed[/buff] by [buff]{1}[/buff] and [buff]Auto-Attack Speed[/buff] by [buff]{2}[/buff] for [buff]{3}[/buff] ([other]stacks[/other] up to [other]{4}[/other] times). Energy Cost: § [other]2[/other] Cast Time: § [other]0[/other] Range: § [other]4[/other] Cooldown: § [other]3[/other]
Swing your sword in a [other]6 radius[/other] around you, dealing [dmg]-184 physical damage[/dmg]. Applies [other]Heroic Charges[/other] on you [other]based[/other] on the [other]amount[/other] of enemies [other]hit[/other] [#] Hits: [other]0[/other] | [other]1[/other] | [other]2[/other] | [other]3[/other] [#] Heroic Charges: [other]0[/other] | [other]1[/other] | [other]1[/other] | [other]2[/other] Each [other]Heroic Charge[/other] increases your [buff]Move Speed[/buff] by [buff]0.09[/buff] and [buff]Auto-Attack Speed[/buff] by [buff]0.12[/buff] for [buff]6 seconds[/buff] ([other]stacks[/other] up to [other]3[/other] times). Energy Cost: § [other]3.5[/other] Cast Time: § [other]0[/other] Range: § [other]6[/other] Cooldown: § [other]3[/other]
[mobility]Spin[/mobility] in the targeted direction, dealing [dmg]-122 physical damage[/dmg] up to [dmg]3 times[/dmg] to all enemies you pass through. If at least one [other]Heroic Charge[/other] is active on you, the ability will consume one charge, dealing [dmg]-213 physical damage[/dmg] each time instead. Energy Cost: § [other]7[/other] Cast Time: § [other]0[/other] Range: § [other]9[/other] Cooldown: § [other]12[/other]
Bash the targeted enemy with your sword, [cc]interrupting[/cc] the target's spell casting. Deals [dmg]-236 physical damage[/dmg]. Increases your [buff]Auto-Attack Damage[/buff] by [buff]0.2[/buff] for each [other]Heroic Charge[/other] on you ([other]stacks[/other] up to [other]3[/other] times) for [buff]5 seconds[/buff]. Energy Cost: § [other]7[/other] Cast Time: § [other]0[/other] Range: § [other]3[/other] Cooldown: § [other]10[/other]
Split the earth in a [other]X long[/other] line in the targeted direction, [cc]rooting[/cc] all enemies hit for [cc]1 seconds[/cc]. Deals [dmg]-374 physical damage[/dmg]. Energy Cost: § [other]12[/other] Cast Time: § [other]0[/other] Range: § [other]13[/other] Cooldown: § [other]15[/other]
Combine up to two abilities. The combo resets after [other]{0}[/other]. 1st [other]Hamstring:[/other] Attack the targeted enemy, dealing [dmg]{1} physical damage[/dmg]. [cc]Slows[/cc] by [cc]{2}[/cc] for [cc]{3}[/cc]. Having at least [other]{4} Heroic Charge[/other] enables the next combo ability. 2nd [other]Heroic Leap:[/other] [mobility]Leap[/mobility] towards the targeted position, dealing [dmg]{5} physical damage[/dmg] in a [other]{6} radius[/other]. Consumes one Heroic Charge. Combo Attack: § [other]1[/other] | [other]2[/other] Energy Cost: § [other]{0}[/other] | [other]{1}[/other] Cast Time: § [other]{2}[/other] | [other]{3}[/other] Range: § [other]{4}[/other] | [other]{5}[/other] Cooldown: § [other]{6}[/other] | [other]{7}[/other]
Enter a defensive stance, becoming [buff]immune[/buff] to [buff]damage[/buff] while [other]channeling[/other] for [other]X[/other] (can't be interrupted). [dmg]Reflects X[/dmg] of incoming damage as [dmg]magical damage[/dmg]. At the [other]end[/other] of the [other]channel[/other], swing your sword in a [other]5 radius[/other] around you, dealing [dmg]-243 physical damage[/dmg]. Energy Cost: § [other]0.09[/other] Cast Time: § [other]0[/other] Channel Time: § [other]X[/other] Range: § [other]0[/other] Cooldown: § [other]16[/other]
Rush into battle, increasing your [buff]Move Speed[/buff] by [buff]0.10[/buff] and [buff]Defense[/buff] by [buff]0.35[/buff] for [buff]3 seconds[/buff]. Grants you [buff]immunity[/buff] to [buff]purges[/buff] while active. Applies [other]one Heroic Charge[/other] on you. Each [other]Heroic Charge[/other] increases your [buff]Move Speed[/buff] by [buff]0.09[/buff] and [buff]Auto-Attack Speed[/buff] by [buff]0.12[/buff] for [buff]6 seconds[/buff] ([other]stacks[/other] up to [other]3[/other] times). Energy Cost: § [other]0.10[/other] Cast Time: § [other]0[/other] Range: § [other]0[/other] Cooldown: § [other]20[/other]
[mobility]Leap[/mobility] towards the targeted enemy, [cc]interrupting[/cc] their [cc]spell casting[/cc]. Deals [dmg]physical damage[/dmg] [other]based[/other] on the [other]amount[/other] of [other]Heroic Charges[/other] on you. [#] Heroic Charges: [other]0[/other] | [other]1[/other] | [other]2[/other] | [other]3[/other] [#] Damage: [dmg]-243[/dmg] | [dmg]-389[/dmg] | [dmg]-584[/dmg] | [dmg]-824[/dmg] Consumes all your Heroic Charges. Energy Cost: § [other]11[/other] Cast Time: § [other]0[/other] Range: § [other]8[/other] Cooldown: § [other]12[/other]
Every [other]4[/other] Auto-Attacks, inflict a bleed on the target enemy dealing [dmg]-51 physical damage[/dmg] over [dmg]X seconds[/dmg].
[other]Every[/other] Auto-Attack decreases the [debuff]damage[/debuff] the targeted enemy [debuff]deals[/debuff] by [debuff]-0.02[/debuff] for [debuff]2 seconds[/debuff]. ([other]stacks[/other] up to [other]X[/other] times)
Every [other]4[/other] Auto-Attacks applies [other]one Heroic Charge[/other] on you. Each [other]Heroic Charge[/other] increases your [buff]Move Speed[/buff] by [buff]0.09[/buff] and [buff]Auto-Attack Speed[/buff] by [buff]0.12[/buff] for [buff]6 seconds[/buff] ([other]stacks[/other] up to [other]3[/other] times).
Every [other]5[/other] Auto-Attacks, increase your [buff]damage resistances[/buff] by [buff]0.23[/buff] for [buff]2 seconds[/buff].