Item Power: 900
[mobility]Leap[/mobility] towards the targeted position, becoming [buff]immune[/buff] to all [buff]damage[/buff], [buff]debuffs[/buff], and [buff]Crowd Control effects[/buff] for [buff]0.8 seconds[/buff]. Increases your [buff]Move Speed[/buff] by [buff]0.4[/buff] for [buff]4 seconds[/buff]. Energy Cost: § [other]0[/other] Cast Time: § [other]0[/other] Range: § [other]5[/other] Cooldown: § [other]20[/other]
Start to sprint, increasing your [buff]Move Speed[/buff] by [buff]0.8[/buff] and your [buff]Cooldown Rate[/buff] by [buff]0.3333[/buff] for [buff]5 seconds[/buff]. Energy Cost: § [other]0[/other] Cast Time: § [other]0.0[/other] Range: § [other]0[/other] Cooldown: § [other]32.5[/other]
Enter the Blind Spot of your enemy, turning yourself [buff]invisible to players[/buff] and increasing your [buff]Move Speed[/buff] by [buff]0.6[/buff] for [buff]1.5 seconds[/buff]. Deals [dmg]-184 bonus magical damage[/dmg] the next time you deal damage within [other]3 seconds[/other]. Energy Cost: § [other]0[/other] Cast Time: § [other]0[/other] Range: § [other]0[/other] Cooldown: § [other]12[/other]
Increases your [buff]Max Load[/buff] by [buff]0.3 kg[/buff].
Increases all your [buff]damage[/buff] and your [buff]Healing Cast[/buff], by [buff]0.015[/buff]. Increases [buff]Defense[/buff] by [buff]0.01[/buff].
Increases your [buff]Auto-Attack Speed[/buff] by [buff]0.06[/buff].
Increases your [buff]Cooldown Rate[/buff] by [buff]0.025[/buff].